Posts tagged ‘Quizlet’

January 12, 2012

Learn By Yourself … Faster!

Having difficulties studying for exams?

Having a home tutor may help but he/she cannot be there 24 hours 7 days a week for you. Many students find themselves cramped with tons of information to memorise and to understand before their exams. Some of them draw mind maps to grasp concepts easily and make connections between data more visible. Others drink plenty of chicken essence and pray that their memory can improve overnight.

Smart students often make use of technologies to make their life more comfortable. Online website such as Quizlet provides customised flashcards and games to make learning more fun and much easier. You can create flash cards to memorise certain terms and their meaning for your spelling test or create games to learn about difficult concepts. Studying may not be easy but playing games to study should be much easier.



Have some fun playing and studying!